we believe in the power of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine to heal individuals and communities

Our mission is to make acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine more accessible in every way possible. We move toward this mission by providing group acupuncture & educational experiences which serve to lower traditional barriers such as cost, location and availability. These experiences are provided at varying price points, including sliding-scale events and our Payment Assistance Program for the Acupuncture Lounge.

defining our core values:

  • accessiblity

    We define accessibility as increasing our reach in the community by making our experiences as inclusive as possible. We do this by offering events at different locations throughout the Richmond area at varying price points.

    Our aim is to increase the quantity of individuals we are able to treat without sacrificing safety or quality of experience.

  • community

    Serving, supporting, and strengthening our community is the “why” behind what we do. By balancing the wellness needs of the individual within larger group settings we support one another through the healing process and create lasting change.

    Our offerings are open to people of any race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, and ability.

  • education

    Education is an essential part of our mission as it serves both our practitioners and clients in meaningful ways. By educating our clients on their health through a TCM lens they are empowered to facilitate change and grow in meaningful ways.

    Our providers are nationally board certified meaning they have completed a minimum of 1,905 hours in TCM education and require continuing education to maintain licensure.

payment assistance

We believe in expanding access to the benefits of acupuncture and hope to one day eliminate cost as a barrier to receiving treatment. In the meantime, we will continue to distribute a limited number of payment assistance packages for individuals who seek the benefits of acupuncture but for whom cost of treatment is a barrier.